Saturday, August 31, 2019

2nd fermentation

This is when the flavour is added.

Notice in batch 52 the proportions of Ginger, Turmeric & Lime, basically equal quantities of each.

The lime gets peeled, but not completely, before it goes into the little Cuisinart blender container, shown. All the flavours go in together along with a half a cup of the Kombucha. This is all ground to a smooth liquid and poured using the green funnel into the pre-loved SodaStream bottles. These SodaStream bottles can easily contain the carbonation build-up that happens in the 2nd fermentation.

Finally there is a generous space at the top of each bottle to allow the fizz that happens when the bottle is opened after two days.

One final filtration using cheese cloth as Kombucha goes into the bottles, normally wine bottles, with screw caps, and then into the fridge.